The Most Amazing Festivals in the World

There are a large number of famous and amazing festivals all over the world that we are not even accustomed to. Here is a list of the 6 most unique and amazing festivals.

The Lights Are On, Is Anybody Home?:
Funny story of a messed up pizza order. Why is customer service so bad?

How to Develop a Good Sense of Humour:
It is difficult to believe that one can develop a sense of humour. However, you can surely hone your skill of humour.

English Is A Funny Language:
Those who think they have complete mastery over the English language might want to think again. There are so many words in English that depend on the context - is it wound or wound, is it read or read. Do you find the complexity interesting? Read on to find out all about the idiosyncrasies of English.

Why Funny People Are Popular:
You must have seen how people with a good sense of humour are popular in social occasions. It's natural for people to attract towards people who can make them laugh. There is a psychological explanation for it.

The Visual Nut!:
The executive broke into a broad grin and started chewing vigorously. The editor looked into the barren ceiling above fearing a rain of betel nuts falling on him and submerging him...

Boon or Bane: SAP Survival Kit - Merits and Rewards, Mission Accomplished, Time After Tomorrow:
Are we aware of the fact that our special work force, being in charge for the project gets the necessary treatment which is required? Are you best prepared for approaching the period of time after the project is over and reality is going to haunt you back to your ordinary daily work? You badly need to be aware of waking up and smelling the coffee. Are we familiar with the necessity of providing an appropriate training schedule once the project has reached its momentum? There is always one way to figure out the angles appropriately. Forming multidisciplinary forces to reengineer the core processes until we are a world-class organization won't do it unless it goes beyond a sole idea. How about the adequate merits and rewards for the employees especially when the mission is accomplished and the reality bites back during the time after tomorrow.
The Most Amazing Festivals in the World The Most Amazing Festivals in the World Reviewed by ESATRA on 3:51:00 AM Rating: 5
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