The Art of Resilience

Resilience is a valuable guide to effective rebounding from setbacks and catastrophes. In today's global marketplace, the ability to weather all types of storms-financial, emotional, physical-is a key skill for leaders and companies. There are a number of uncontrollable forces that may affect individuals in a negative manner. When systems break down, how do leaders respond and recover? By detailing developments in science, technology, and social innovations, the authors provide insight on rebounding from hardships, as well as modalities to prevent breakdowns from occurring. Resilience compares the survival skills of individuals and groups to uncover why some thrive while others perish. It details tools that can be implemented to bounce back and create a strategic plan for the future. Armed with these tools, leaders can forge ahead in the face of any challenge and emerge unscathed and even stronger.

New Marketing Book Focuses on How to Find Customers and Get Them to Buy:
Robert Coorey's new book "Feed a Starving Crowd" is all about selling your product by raising awareness among the public so they are starving to have it. Coorey walks readers through a wide range of marketing techniques, from explaining the latest about social networking, videos, newsletters, and email marketing campaigns to the research behind what drives human nature to buy and how entrepreneurs can capitalize on his numerous concepts. Coorey lays out all his cards, being transparent in his marketing strategies, providing a great resource for anyone who wants to learn to market or take a current marketing plan to the next level.

New Book Offers Five Foundations for Business Success:
In "Building Your Booming Business," business coach David Mitchell shares his secrets to help bring businesses to new levels of productivity and success. His Five Foundations of Business make success achievable and practical for anyone willing to put in the work.

Business Brilliant:
In Business Brilliant, journalist and entrepreneur Lewis Schiff reveals what keeps the majority of the middle class from becoming rich: their belief in conventional success myths. They lack what the self-made rich have, "Business Brilliance," or an innate understanding of how money is made. Through a survey of self-made millionaires and middle-class workers, Schiff has identified and distilled the "Business Brilliant" mindset into seven synergistic principles. Business Brilliant provides an in-depth guide to each principle as well as a four-step program that allows people of all backgrounds to integrate the principles into their lives, further their careers, and accumulate wealth faster.

Let's Close a Deal!:
In Let's Close a Deal, Christine Clifford takes readers through the steps that lead to closing deals. Each step of the process is documented with examples from Clifford's career, life, or successful people she knows. The general steps are 1) defining, preparing, and presenting the deal; 2) what to do when the deal does not close; and 3) what to do after a deal closes. Every step in the process is more than an effort to close a single deal; the overarching objective is to act with integrity in order to build relationships that will lead to future deals, referrals, and testimonials.

The Little Black Book of Innovation:
The Little Black Book of Innovation is a how-to book for prospective innovators. Scott Anthony defines true innovation and the types of innovation, explains the history of modern thinking about innovation, and makes a compelling case for the need for businesses to innovate. Innovation disrupts and transforms companies and markets. A key to innovation is developing solutions for unidentified or unsolved problems. Anthony uses anecdotes to describe the need for innovation, and business successes and failures when attempting to innovate. He moves quickly from background and theory into a practical 28-step program that describes how to generate and test ideas, develop an action plan and organizational structure, and overcome obstacles.

The Right Salesperson Can Generate Sixteen Times The Revenue Compared To An Average Performer:
The Right Salesperson Can Generate Sixteen Times The Revenue Compared To An Average Performer? This is true and I know it first hand!

Book Review: Blogging for Profit:
Expert Briefs: Blogging for Profit: The Stripped-Down Naked Truth from 26 Rockin' Online Business Owners by Nicole Dean and others. Don't be fooled (as I was) into thinking that this is a book about blogging. It is no more a book about blogging than a book about how to open your own car dealership is about cars. Despite its peppy, college-kid tone, this is a hard-as-nails book about selling.
The Art of Resilience The Art of Resilience Reviewed by ESATRA on 1:31:00 AM Rating: 5
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