What To Look For In DJ Headphones
The guy with the headphones - that's the DJ. Headphones are the DJ's crown, his trophy. They are the most portable part of a DJ's gear and at the same time, the most personal one. Even if everything else is provided by the club, a DJ will always bring his own pair of headphones because of the strong relationship and trust he has developed with them. Djing without headphones is close to impossible. Djing with lousy headphones? Definitely not fun.
Which Social Media Network Is Best for Promoting Your Music?:
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Tips For Buying Your Next Acoustic Guitar:
When you stumble upon a music gear shop, it's common to find them selling guitars of different sizes and brands. You might question yourself, "What guitar should I buy?" For starters, beginners are often troubled by this question while professional dwell into this problem too often that most expect.
What is ReverbNation?:
Musician's are usually lacking two things: time and money. ReverbNation can definitely help you with the first and maybe the second too! Read this article to discover how.
Major Album Releases Put Phoenix Artist's Hand Drawn Art in Spotlight:
Album art for Alice Cooper's Annual Christmas album, and The Flaming Lips latest release, showcase two of Phoenix-area's top artists. A throwback to classic rock, the hand drawn album designs of both legendary musical acts brings "paper and pencil" art back to the forefront.
Keeping Up With The Knowles-Carters, Or Nah:
Fast-rising rapper Kendrick Lamar shuns conspicuous consumption in favor of a more secure financial future. He sets a great, if unusual, example.
How to Record and Produce Voice Talent for Your Audiobook - Making It Sound Like the Pros!:
This article will explain how you can record your next audiobook, sounding like the pros! If you've done any online research, you've already found out that prices and costs to record an audiobook are all over the place. And with so many choices, what's really a good deal, and companies or individuals to work with, or to avoid, and how to obtain a great sounding audiobook?
What To Look For In DJ Headphones
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3:31:00 AM